QT: Grace To Grass Counterattack System

Chapter 214 Little Mandron Soldier 37

Ding Wang frowned. "Don\'t be rash. If we tell the entire Federation about Yang Xue\'s unique genes then they would realize that we had lied to them about Weimin\'s recovery the last time!"

Xia Yueyu glared. "How did we lie to them? We had only claimed that Min\'er had recovered on his own because we didn\'t want to compromise Yang Xue\'s safety!"

Ding Wang blinked in surprise. "What?"

Xia Yueyu waved impatiently. "Just set up the press conference. It\'s impossible for the citizens to find out the truth anyways so they would have to take our word for it. We have to look at the bigger picture here. Although the Ding family has a lot of influence, there are hundreds of Planets and only one Yang Xue.

-I am very certain that we would eventually find him but that would take time. You heard what the doctor said, Min\'er has less than two weeks until he becomes completely paralyzed!

-Informing the entire Federation is the same as indirectly informing the Government and the other Eleven Marshals. The great potential of replicating Yang Xue\'s genes and producing a magnetic energy immunity for every soldier is enough incentive to make them pool in all their resources in order to find him!"

Ding Wang frowned in thought. The members of the Ding family were already aware that it was impossible to replicate Yang Xue\'s genes but the Government and the remaining Eleven Marshals didn\'t know that yet so they would put their all into finding the mandron. It was a brilliant idea. He nodded his head at his wife before tapping on his bracelet and walking out.

Over in Cladis;

He Yuan\'s bracelet pinged the moment the Ding family released news of the press conference. A smile slowly formed on his lips. "So many press conferences lately. What do they want now?"

An hour later...

Xia Yueyu walked into the conference hall with her husband by her side. It was just the two of them as the Third Marshal had returned to Planet Crest to resume his responsibilities and dispatch his forces to search for Yang Xue secretly.

The two people took their seats on the podium and faced the audience of reporters. Xia Yueyu had on a white shawl with a very pale face and red eyes. She looked quite drained, invoking the worry if all that were both present and others watching live.

Ding Wang took in the serious expressions of every single person before tapping on his mic. "Good day everyone. I know that you have all been wondering what exactly had happened to the General. Well... The Ding family is ready to offer you an explanation."

The audience stirred as Ding Wang continued, "Years ago, General Ding had sacrificed himself during a galactical battle against the Xors and had gotten infected with the magnetic energy of the then Xor Queen. We all had been riddled with sorrow back then but luckily and -with the help of the mandron, Yang Xue- General Ding had successfully recovered."

A lot of people nodded while many more others frowned slightly. With the help of the mandron? The story didn\'t sound right. An andronian reporter swiftly activated her mic. "Mr. Ding, you just said \'With the help of the mandron, Yang Xue,\' can you shed more light on this?"

Ding Wang shook his head with a bitter smile. He lifted his head to the skies before lowering it and letting out a tired sigh. "In fact, Yang Xue\'s genes had mutated during his infancy. This mutation had given him..." He slowly looked around the hall. "The ability to absorb the magnetic energy of the Xors."

The reporters sat up straighter. Impossible. They all had functioning brains and new what Mr. Ding\'s words could mean for the future of their Federation. Although the Xors had been taken down, who is to say if another Queen hadn\'t been created on a different star?

Aside from that, the magnetic energy was not just found in Xors, there were stars and stellar systems that were completely made up of the same magnetic energy. This news could also mean a brighter future and a higher chance of survival for their outer space explorers!

After the andronian reporter got over her shock, he slowly asked, "Mr. Ding.... Are you sure about this?" One couldn\'t blame her for her scepticism. The news was truly too shocking.

Ding Wang nodded. "Yes." And then he clicked on his bracelet, causing a hologram to pop up. "These are the medical reports and research carried out on Yang Xue back then." He, of course, left out the report stating the inability of Yang Xue\'s genes to be replicated.

The hologram of Yang Xue\'s medical report appeared on the big screen behind the Ding husband and wife. The operator backstage also activated the flash share option, enabling the bracelets of the people present to recieve the PDF file automatically.

The entire hall was very silent as the reporters all turned their focus to the medical reports and dissected it to the best of their knowledge. A human reporter in particular remained skeptical. He spoke up, "If this is true then why wasn\'t the Twelve-army Coalition and the Government made aware of this?"

Ding Wang exchanged a glance with his wife before speaking up, "This... Well things are a little more complicated you see. You all know what Yang Xue\'s ability means and as much as there are people with good intentions, there would always be others with more sinister motives.

-Truthfully, the research data isn\'t compete and this is because the research is still ongoing. Until concrete results were obtained, the Ding family did not want to inform the world and place Yang Xue in potential danger."

"That still doesn\'t make any sense." The male reporter cut in. "Before now, Yang Xue had been sent out of the Ding home because he allegedy tried to seduce the General. What was up with that then?"

Xia Yueyu held her husband back before he could speak and cleared her throat. "Yang Xue had been sent out of the Ding mansion a little over a year ago. This was in fact done to protect him. Back then we had realized that a sinister organization had been looking into Ding Weimin\'s recovery.

-Now I can\'t name this organization for confidential purposes but in order to keep them from paying any attention to Yang Xue, we had to send the sweet mandron out of the Ding home. The story about Yang Xue seducing Ding Weimin was made up in order to make our little plan more believable."

Now the hall was filled with explosive murmurs as one reporter tried to ask their question over the others. Even the citizens and soldiers watching live couldn\'t stop their eyes from widening in intrigue. So much was happening in the life of their beloved General without their knowledge!

Over in Cladis, He Yuan looked down at the live feed coming from his bracelet with his brows raised. Wow. Just wow.

888 also materialized with an impressed chuckle. "I know the true story but I am still compelled to believe her. She\'s a talented storyteller.

He Yuan chuckled. "She is more than talented! She belongs in the tea parlours of the ancient times. People would certainly lay down their gold to listen to her."

Back at the Conference venue, a reporter finally got the chance to speak. It was a mandron. The little guy had a nervous yet confused look on his face as he asked, "W-why are y-you saying it now then?"

Everyone else automatically understood what he meant. Mandrons had a simple train of thought so, technically, if what Mrs Xia said was true then why was she intentionally putting Yang Xue in danger by speaking up about it now?

Xia Yueyu\'s eyes reddened. "I don\'t mean to but... I have no choice. You are all aware of the current state of Min\'er\'s body. The exact thing wrong with him is..." She took in a shaky breath. "..A relapse of the magnetic energy attack."

A lot of reporters tried to speak immediately but she held up a hand. "Please let me finish. We had contacted the Yang family to let Yang Xue discreetly come over and handle the absorption but who knew that Yang Liu would show up that exact morning disguised as Yang Xue instead?

-Neither me, my husband nor my father-in-law had been available as we were trying to make sure that all was prepared so Yang Liu had easily walked past the security and entered Min\'er\'s recuperation room. We all know what the magnetic energy does to unarmed people..."

Xia Yueyu let the reporters murmur amongst themselves for a minute before continuing, "I had demanded an explanation from Colonel Yang and that was when I found out that Yang Xue had been missing from the Yang home... Since five days prior!"

A few reporters and citizens were so emotionally invested in Xia Yueyu\'s story that they all lifted their hands to their mouths in shock.

"We\'ve been searching for over a week now and there\'s been no results. I\'m..." Xia Yueyu choked as tears welled up in her eyes. "...I\'m afraid he might have been abducted by some people with sinister motives!"

"Oh my goodness!" A citizen shouted from outside the venue.


He Yuan looked away from the holographic screen to see that his system was just as speechless. Yang Xue was kidnapped? Xia Yueyu actually impressed him more than she angered him. She covered her tracks cleanly. She would make for a perfect movie villain.

He lowered his eyes to the comment section.

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